Research on Peacekeeper-Fathered Children in Haiti

"In November 2016, CHIBOW network coordinator Sabine Lee and CHIBOW partner Susan Bartels (Queen’s University Kingston and HHI) were awarded an Arts and Humanities Research Council network grant for work on ‘Peace babies' - the unintended consequences of United Nations peacekeeping (AH/P006175/1) and a linked research grant under the PaCCS (Partnership for Conflict, Crime and Security Research) scheme for a project on Peacekeeper Fathered Children in Haiti (AH/P008038/1)."

For more information, please see here.

”Krigsbørnskaravanen” on tour in Denmark

"The Educational Caravan of War Children in Denmark, an idea of Journalist Lotte Printz, was recently established by DKBF, and has achieved some financial support. The Caravan makes arrangements with schools across the country to have a one or two hours meeting with a single school class or a larger group of children. A Caravan visit may typically involve three war children of DKBF (possibly from the local region) ready to tell about their story and answer questions – all moderated by Lotte Printz such that a fruitful discussion may evolve."

For more information, please see here.

Werkstattgespräch "Besatzungskinder" am 4.4.2017


Prof. Markus Kornprobst, M.A., Ph.D. (Diplomatische Akademie Wien)
Dr. Kurt Scholz (Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums, Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich)

Projektpräsentation Barbara Stelzl-Marx (Zeithistorikerin, Graz) Dr.inHeidi Glaesmer (Psychologin, Leipzig)

„Besatzungskinder. Die Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten in Österreich und Deutschland“
- anschließend Publikumsdiskussion

Anmeldung bis 30. März 2017 oder per Fax 01/504-22-65-200

Dutch love-child fathered by First Nations’ Canadian veteran...

... finds lost identity, gets citizenship. 

"Six weeks before Christmas a retired Dutch carpenter named Will van Ee met with Sabine Nolke, Canada’s ambassador to the Netherlands at the Canadian embassy in The Hague. Van Ee brought a small bottle of liqueur crafted in his small hometown of Sas van Gent, near the Belgian border, as a gift." 

For more information, please see here.

Was aus den Besatzungskindern geworden ist

Die Berlinerin Ramona Lehmann sucht ihren amerikanischen Vater.

"1945 kommen die Siegermächte nach Deutschland. Sie hinterlassen ihre Spuren bei denMenschen und in der nächsten Generation: Hunderttausende Kinder werden geboren, deren Väter Soldaten der alliierten Besatzungstruppen sind." 

For more information on the series, please see here.

A Dutch woman entering military captivity with her husband...

... a German soldier, 1944.

"A Dutch woman is seen here with her husband, a German soldier that she had married during the German occupation of the Netherlands. Refusing to leave his side, she marched with the German prisoners to the Prisoner of War holding center. Picture taken in Walcheren, Zeeland, the Netherlands. November 1944."

For more information, please see here.

Child, Bride, Mother: Nigeria

Young women who were captives of Boko Haram speak.

"MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — After conquering Bama, the second-largest town in Nigeria’s Borno state, a small group of fighters from the militant Islamist group Boko Haram forced their way into the thatched-roof home of Hawa’s family, demanding the 15-year-old girl as a bride."

For more information, please see here.


New Book: Kinder des Zweiten Weltkriegs...

Stigmatisierung, Ausgrenzung, Bewältigungsstrategien. By Elke Kleinau, Ingvill C. Mochmann (Hg.). 

"Am 8. Mai 2015 jährte sich zum 70. Mal das Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Doch noch immer gibt es Bevölkerungsgruppen, die als »Kollateralschäden« des Krieges aus dem kollektiven Gedächtnis der Nationen schlichtweg herausfallen. Dieser Band thematisiert die Bedingungen und Folgen des Auf- wachsens von Kindern des Krieges, insbesondere von Wehrmachts- und Besatzungskindern im Europa der Nachkriegszeit. Er kann aufzeigen, dass bis heute Spuren des Krieges in den Gesellschaften präsent sind, und lenkt den Blick auf die Erforschung von Bewältigungsstrategien."

For more information, please see here.