“Thousands of ISIS Children Suffer in Camps as Countries Grapple With Their Fate”
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“Thousands of ISIS Children Suffer in Camps as Countries Grapple With Their Fate”
For more information please see here.
My Child Lebensborn wins Game Beyond Entertainment Award
“Up to 3,000 infants born to foreign nationals like Shamima Begum may be at risk”
For more information, please see here.
(Article in Norwegian)
“Norske soldater ble sendt til Tyskland for å vokte freden i 1947. Tysklandsbrigaden hadde på forhånd kunnskap om hvor ødelagt destinasjonen var.”
For more information, please see here.
“They were raised in the caliphate. Can they come home?“
For more information, please see here.
“Nineteen-year-old who fled UK in 2015 asks for sympathy day after her son’s birth”
For more information, please see here.
Topic: “Children of Black Liberators in The Netherlands” by Mieke Kirkels
“We need your help to find relatives of the 172 African Americans buried in the American Cemetery in NL. Until now they are only known by the name on their graves. A list of names by State is available. At this stage we also can provide some numbers of units they have served in.”
“The results of this research will be the main content of the digital book that will be continued as long as stories will be found. An educational program in Dutch as well in English will be part of it. If you have any information please contact us at contact@blackliberators.nl or 0031638906447”
For more information, please see here.
“Throughout history, Children Born of War (CBOW) have been born as a consequence of both sexual violence and of more or less consensual relationships in war and conflict. Nevertheless, little isknown about this group of children; although, evidence suggests that their basic human rights are violated and their integration into the post-conflict society is challenged. It is becomingincreasingly recognized at both the academic and the political level that this group of children deservesand needs targeted attention. Inthis policy brief, we will outline some of the key challenges faced by Children Born of War and suggestavenues for further research.”
For more information, please see here.
“Around 6:30 p.m. on an evening in April, 2013, Aisha Yerima was at her home in Banki, a town in northeast Nigeria.”
For more information please see here
“This year, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded jointly to the Congolese doctor Denis Mukwege and the Iraqi human rights activist, and witness and survivor of human-trafficking, Nadia Murad. These two voices are an extremely important contribution to ongoing efforts to combat war-related sexual violence. We are among the many people who are delighted that the two prize-winners are getting the recognition that their courage and efforts deserve. At the same time, there are other voices that are seldom heard and who have few spokespersons. These are the voices of the children who have been conceived as the result of conflict-related sexual violence. Scarcely any statistics or overviews exist of how many children are involved, about what happens to them, and how their lives are shaped by the manner of their conception.”
For more information please see here.
The original version in Norwegian: “De blir ofte betraktet som fiendens barn. Barna av seksuelle overgrep i krig” can be found here.
By Dr. Gerlinda Swillen.
“The CegeSoma (State Archives) and the Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the latest book by Dr Gerlinda Swillen titled 'La valise oubliée. Enfants de guerre (1940-1945)' * on the occasion of which the author will be interviewed by Alain Colignon.”
For more information, please see here
By Bent Haller.
“Når krigen slutter er et stykke lokal Danmarkshistorie fortalt af en af Danmarks mest elskede forfattere. Vi følger pigen Edith, der netop har fået en tjenesteplads hos mejeristen i Frederikshavn, da krigen bryder ud. Det lille samfund vågner op til en ny virkelighed, hvor alle må sno sig for at tilpasse sig besættelsesmagtens lune. Frederikshavn bliver et knudepunkt i krigen, hvor tyskerne kan transportere deres tropper videre nordpå. Edith forsøger at forsætte livet på bedste vis, hun tager ud og danser og forelsker sig. Som altid går kærligheden sine egne veje – især i krigstider. Edith forelsker sig i den østrigske soldat Helmut, hvilket får store konsekvenser for resten af hendes liv. For en dag slutter krigen, men slutter den også for Edith?”
For more information, please see here
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