Radiohinweis: Distelblüten

"Am historischen Tag, dem 9. November, durften wir in der Sendung "Plattenkiste" des NDR 1 Niedersachsen über Distelblüten berichten. Hörer fanden es so berührend, dass sie gern auf die Musiktitel verzichtet hätten. Aber es ist halt eine Musiksendung. Sie ist nicht in der Mediathek zu hören."

Mehr dazu, hier.


Buchpremiere: Born of War – Vom Krieg geboren


"Als sich die Wehrmacht gegen Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs aus den von ihr besetzten Ländern zurückzog, hinterließ sie nicht nur Tod und Zerstörung, sondern auch Hunderttausende von Kindern, die deutsche Soldaten mit einheimischen Frauen gezeugt hatten. Die Frauen wurden von ihrer Umgebung meist geächtet und nicht selten härter bestraft als Kollaborateure. Doch was ist aus den Kindern geworden?"

For more information, please see here.

Stigma and Children Born of War

Workshop at LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security.

"On 25 September, the LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security held a workshop on the issue of Stigma and Children Born of War.  The workshop aimed to facilitate knowledge exchange, critical reflection and dialogue between academics, policymakers and civil society." 

For more information, please see here.

Reaching Hidden Populations via Participatory Research Methods...

... Workshop.

"This workshop will discuss how hidden populations, i.e. groups of people which are not accessible for research via standard research methods, may be reached through so called “Participatory Research Methods”. These methods imply that members of the population are included at one, several or all steps of the research process, such as the development of relevant questions, the spread of the questionnaire and the interpretation of results. The workshop will discuss advantages of such methods and give practical knowledge on how such research may be carried out. Further it will be discussed which problems may occur (specifically if the researched topic is very sensitive), what to keep in mind when working with “lay researchers”. In particular research projects on the group of Children Born of War will be used as example in the practical part of the course."

For information and registration, please see here.

Ute Baur-Timmerbrink...

... received the Bundesverdienstkreuz September 1st 2017.

"Im Auftrag des Bundespräsidenten hat Reinickendorfs Bezirksbürgermeister Frank Balzer (CDU) im Rahmen einer kleinen Feierstunde Frau Ute Baur-Timmerbrink das Verdienstkreuz am Bande des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland überreicht."

For more information, see here.

“Children, Youth, and War Symposium"

Call for Papers for “Children, Youth, and War Symposium,” University of Georgia.

A one-day symposium on Children, Youth, and War will be held at the University of Georgia on March 19, 2018.  Hosted by James Marten, Professor of History at Marquette University, and Stephen Berry, Gregory Professor of the Civil War Era at the University of Georgia, the symposium will provide an intense exploration of all aspects—on both the home front and the battlefront—of the experiences of children in times of war in all eras and throughout the world.  Interdisciplinary (although historically based) approaches are welcome.  “War” will be defined broadly to include irregular and undeclared wars, as well as the aftermath and meaning of wars. 

For more information, please see here.

De wieg van WO II.

Oorlogskinderen op de as Brussel-Berlijn.

"In de loop van de Tweede Wereldoorlog worden er in bezet België en in Duitsland zelf kinderen geboren uit Belgische vrouwen en Duitse mannen. Zij zijn oorlogskinderen in strikte zin: zonder de oorlog zouden hun ouders elkaar (hoogstwaarschijnlijk) niet hebben ontmoet."

For more information, please see here.

Close-to-home book...

explores fate of children born of conflict.

"When Gerlinda Swillen talks about war children, she has something specific in mind. Not simply children born during wartime or affected by a conflict, but those whose parents were on opposing sides. In the strictest sense, these children only exist because of the war."

For more information, please see here.